
peek-a-boo! I'm an Angel,I'm a Devil.I am sometimes in between.
I'm as bad it can get,and good as it can be.So,try figure me out.

Monday, 14 November 2011

I'm red. No more yellow :p

it's me again fefeyyyy. So,hey. new post again. did u miss me? hehe. all around me keep calling me blogwalking. hahahaha. well,i guess its true maybe. i think my blog is about my daily life. and clearly just my life.hehehehe
so,back to our main title today. Yes,its true. i'm red. hahaha. lol. why?! why so suddenly? hmm. i think i fucking love mah new phone. and it colored red.sooo,that's why maybe? hehehe.

So,this is my new phone. gift from dad. YAY! hahaha

ummm. fucking bored now. gotta go. need some fresh air. bye hearts!

-With,Love Goddess D-